I think my first time seeing this wild idea was in the 1965 Movie “The Beatles”... Seeing the Beatles riding them stayed in my mind for all the years to now... I’m 58 years young now, and have raced motor cycles from the early 70’s, and I’m sure it started from that dam movie “On Any Sunday”.. I started with Moto-x, then moved into road racing motorcycles, did some flat track and European Speedway bikes 0-60 in 3 sec sideways for most of the time in the race. Why would I talk about that. When a friend told me he was working with a guy building snow bikes and that I would love to ride them, he was right... I was very lucky to be invited to go with Don and some others that had never ridden snow bikes.. WOW!.. this was one of the funniest things I have done is some time, I don’t race motorcycle any more stop in the late 90’s, although I do ride motorcycles almost every day. I do however race cars and teach others the art of driving and racing.
I have won many championship over the years in auto racing. I currently ride unicycles and juggle. Because balance and timing is everything in racing. And riding one of Don Koski's snow bikes incorporates all of this, balance timing and most important FUN.. because if you’re not having fun...well, as I tell my students in auto racing “OSB”.. “Other Sport Beckons”.. if you’re not having fun do something else, I’ve told many of my racing students to check out Don’s bikes, they are High Tech and top quality and way to much fun to ride.. one of my favorite part was being sideway down a hill for what seemed like a mile...fun easy to ride what more could anyone ask for.. Thanks Don for your dedication on building this fun bike...
Albert Butterfield (wearing white helmet)